Dental operative microscope root canal procedure (Microendodontics). Case Study Number 392346.
Referred patient has had two root canal procedure previously done on this very same tooth and pain was still present for weeks. Extraction and an implant supported crown has been suggested but patient still preferred to once more try to save his own tooth. The dental operative microscope allowed the uncovering of an extra canal ramification during the endodontic procedure. Pain subsided immediately after treating that previously under seen part of the root canal system.
This a class 3 level of difficulty root canal procedure which means that a root canal treatment such as this one is difficult and time consuming to perform. Nevertheless, treating that extra canal was all that was needed to save that tooth. No need for a dental implant here.
Beautiful work. Please tell me how to obturate such anatomy? Simultaneous lateral condensation and than vertical?”Thank You.
Thank you! Each branch has been individually filled one after the other. Once the first one has been sealed with cold lateral technique the gutta has to be cut flush or slightly apical to the split in order to regain patency to allow for the second branch to be filled. Heat carrier tip under magnification is perfect for this kind of job. Heated gutta for the second wave is the last step. I hope this could help
Doctor how about placing two master cones (e.g. 35.04) in both branches at one time and condensing vertically? Thank You.
If it was possible to do so this would have been the way to go. Unfortunately the coronal portion of the single canal is too narrow to allow for this to happen (even with a 0.04 taper gutta). Only one cone at once did fit into the distal canal.
Thank You.
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