Emergency appointment for a recurrent acute pain on top left side. Root canal casted post and crown have been performed on this second maxillary
Pulp Chamber Obliteration, Krasner and Rankow Laws and microendodontics
Patient referred for a pre prosthetic microendodontic treatment on this first mandibular molar. Pulp chamber is almost completely obliterated by
MB2 root canal procedure may imply an extra setting
Patient came in on an emergency basis presenting with pain and a swollen left cheek. Access cavity through existing crown, pulp stones
Removing a Tiny Fractured Instrument Fragment from a Root Canal System.
Mass of embedded pulp stones is still present in pulp chamber and it must be removed to increase both retention and strength of planned core Big
Uncovered Vertucci’s Type V in Distal Root During Endodontic Revision 7 Years Ago Allowed for that Tooth to be Preserved. Thanks to OPMI PROergo Dental Operative Microscope
Dental operative microscope root canal procedure (Microendodontics). Case Study Number 392346. Referred patient has had two root canal
A Root Canal Procedure Assessed at a Class 3 Level of Difficulty and Risk (CAE Classification)
"There are many factors that influence the degree of difficulty and risk of root canal treatment. Recognition of these factors prior to the initiation
Huge Pulp Stone Removal Under High Magnification in Order to Preserve a Maxillary Molar
Obliterated Pulp Space VS Dental Operative Microscope
First X Ray image : Pulp space is not visible on tooth number 11 Second X Ray image : Displays a number 06 ISO stainless Steel file from Mani at
A More Demanding Root Canal Procedure: Calcified Canals and Pulp Chamber Filled with Pulps Stones.
A new Dental Operative Microscope (D.O.M.) assisted root canal treatment in a calcified mandibular molar. Microendodontic. Case Study