Patient came in one year ago with large swelling on URQ, gave her AB and told her to let me perform an endodontic revision on 14. She vanished and
A root canal procedure on a molar presenting with a supernumerary mesio palatal (MP) root
Root canal procedure on molar presenting with an extra mesio palatal (MP) root. A very rare anatomical variation. This supernumerary
A natural tooth merely escaping from extraction
Due to the presence of rock hard Russian Red filling material in its root canal, the endodontic revision procedure to save her tooth seemed to
MB2 root canal procedure may imply an extra setting
Patient came in on an emergency basis presenting with pain and a swollen left cheek. Access cavity through existing crown, pulp stones
Endodontic Treatment on Mandibular Molar with Calcified Canals and a “J” Type Lesion, a Five Years Follow Up
Root Canal Procedure with Surgical Operative Microscope. MicroEndodontic. Case Study Number 156037. Pre operative film shows a large bony