According to the Canadian Academy of Endodontics, when having to treat a tooth presenting with an exceptionally complicated preoperative condition,
Going the extra mile to preserve a tooth
A 6 years follow up on both an endodontic and a prosthetic revision. Back in 2014 patient complained about her one year old crown which kept
A Root Canal on a Calcified, Curvy Long Tooth
RCT and amalgam core build up on a very long, remote and heavily calcified 26 (Irreversible Pulpitis) Endodontic procedure instrumentation has
Root Canal Therapy on an Atypical Root Canal Configuration
First maxillary molars typically have 4 canal entries and four distinct canals. This molar has only two canal entries and a deep split in its
A root canal procedure on a molar presenting with a supernumerary mesio palatal (MP) root
Root canal procedure on molar presenting with an extra mesio palatal (MP) root. A very rare anatomical variation. This supernumerary
An Endodontic Procedure on a Unique Root Canal Morphology
This case has been posted on a specialized root canal FB forum and earned 596 likes from dentists around the world. See this case at: International
A natural tooth merely escaping from extraction
Due to the presence of rock hard Russian Red filling material in its root canal, the endodontic revision procedure to save her tooth seemed to
Post removal helped in preserving a key tooth
Patient lately experienced several acute apical periodontitis episodes and needed to have this second maxillary premolar treated. Root