Due to the presence of rock hard Russian Red filling material in its root canal, the endodontic revision procedure to save her tooth seemed to
Post removal helped in preserving a key tooth
Patient lately experienced several acute apical periodontitis episodes and needed to have this second maxillary premolar treated. Root
A Difficult Root Canal Treatment on Calcified Root Canals
An intricate endodontic therapy to perform in order to preserve a very painful tooth, patient was taking 3 X 200mg Ibuprofen Pills every 3
A More Demanding Root Canal Procedure: Calcified Canals and Pulp Chamber Filled with Pulps Stones.
A new Dental Operative Microscope (D.O.M.) assisted root canal treatment in a calcified mandibular molar. Microendodontic. Case Study
Pushing Back the Limit to Save Teeth with Opmi Proergo Dental Operative Microscope. Dental Operating Microscope Assisted Root Canal Procedure on a Completely Stenosed Canal System.
MicroEndodontic. Case Study Number 449947 Pulp chamber and root canals are not visible on pre operating X Ray of second mandibular molar. Diffuse
Microendodontics with Carl Zeiss OPMI PROergo Dental Operative Microscope. Root Canal Treatment Procedure on a Second Maxillary Molar with Calcified Canals
A new Dental Operative Microscope (D.O.M.) assisted root canal treatment on a maxillary second molar with calcified canals. MicroEndodontics. Case
Endodontic Revision Procedure on Mandibular Molar, a 6 months Post Operative Outcome
Case Study Number 495336 Symptoms: Acute pain to pressure, patient is eating on the opposite side. Root canal was done three years ago. Tooth
Endodontic Treatment on Mandibular Molar with Calcified Canals and a “J” Type Lesion, a Five Years Follow Up
Root Canal Procedure with Surgical Operative Microscope. MicroEndodontic. Case Study Number 156037. Pre operative film shows a large bony
Microendodontics with Carl Zeiss OPMI PROergo Dental Operative Microscope. Root Canal Treatment Procedure on a Lateral Incisor with a Calcified Canal
A new Dental Operative Microscope (D.O.M.) Assisted Root Canal Treatment in a Calcified Maxillary Lateral