A new Dental Operative Microscope (D.O.M.) assisted root canal treatment on a maxillary second molar with calcified canals. MicroEndodontics. Case
To Save or Not To Save? That Was the Question. A Seven Years Post Endodontic Treatment Outcome Follow Up
Case Study Number 368745 Patient was told seven years ago to remove lower right premolar and replace this tooth by an implant supported
Microendodontics with Carl Zeiss OPMI PROergo Dental Operative Microscope. Root Canal Treatment Procedure on a Lateral Incisor with a Calcified Canal
A new Dental Operative Microscope (D.O.M.) Assisted Root Canal Treatment in a Calcified Maxillary Lateral
An Intricate Root Canal Procedure on a Mineralized Second Maxillary Molar with a Canal Curvature into an “S” Form
Endodontic Procedure. Case Study Number 449927 To treat such a tooth in endodontics we needed to deal with: Difficult access Long tooth
An Intricate Root Canal Procedure on a Severely Curved Root Canal System with Pulp Tissue Fibrosis
MicroEndodontic. Case Study Number 500047 Canal curvatures are a challenge to preparation and can be the origin of many technical complications
Microendodontics with CARL ZEISS OPMI PROergo VS Completely Calcified Canal
A New Dental Operative Microscope (D.O.M.) Assisted Root Canal Treatment on Maxillary Incisor with a Calcified Canal. MicroEndodontic. Case
Radix Entomolaris Presenting a Fifth Canal (Accessory Canal) Extending from the Pulp Chamber to the Furcation
Microendodontic. Case Study Number 493847 Key words: Root canal anatomy, anatomical variation of teeth, radix entomolaris The anatomy of
OPMI PROergo Dental Operative Microscope VS Extreme Root Canal System Stenosis on a Maxillary Molar
A New Dental Operative Microscope (D.O.M.) Assisted Root Canal Treatment in a Calcified Maxillary Molar Abutment. Microendodontic. Case Study
Metalift Crown and Bridge Removal System to save an existing bridge. Another success story.
Case Study Number 497935 Patient has already been treated on an emergency basis for an acute apical periodontitis with an irreversible