An endodontist case report. MicroEndodontic. Case Study Number 505026 Twenty five years old patient presenting with an abscessed maxillary molar.
A Root Canal Retreatment Involving a Crown and Two Posts Removal allowed for this Painful Tooth to Be Preserved
Microendodontic. Case Study Number 511536 Sixty years old patient presenting with an abscessed mandibular molar. Diagnosis: Persisting disease
To Save or Not To Save? That Was the Question. A Seven Years Post Endodontic Treatment Outcome Follow Up
Case Study Number 368745 Patient was told seven years ago to remove lower right premolar and replace this tooth by an implant supported
Good Prognosis is in the eye of the beholder
Case Study Number 430646 External root resorption associated with chronic apical periodontitis altered the shape and position
An Endo Retreatment with Four MTA (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate) Apical Plugs Helped in Preserving this Second Mandibular Molar
Case Study Number 397137 Tooth history: First attempt of RCT on this mandibular second molar in 2005 did not eliminate symptoms, a second attempt
OPMI PROergo Microscope VS Separated Paste Filler on Second Mandibular Molar
Study Case Number 491047 We have been presented with this previously treated tooth. The canal system has been filled with
What’s new on this blog on Friday,11th, 2011
A new case study number: 411716: "The dental operative microscope and the MTA tooth perforation repair. The impossible made possible".
The Dental Operative Microscope and a MTA Tooth Perforation Repair. The Impossible Made Possible.
Case Study Number 461716 Patient came to our office with spontaneous intermittent pain on maxillary right side. He can readily identify the tooth,
An Endodontic Revision and a Tooth Sectioning on a Mandibular Right First Molar to Preserve it
Endodontic Re-treatment and Tooth Sectioning Procedure (2004). Case Study Number 336 Root canal retreatment in distal root, machined post