A 6 years follow up on both an endodontic and a prosthetic revision. Back in 2014 patient complained about her one year old crown which kept
Root canal procedure on a remote maxillary molar in a patient with limited opening of the mouth
Endodontic procedure instrumentation has been performed with Mani stainless K files and ProTaper Universal (Dentsply).
An Extreme Root Canal Treatment Procedure
Patient seen on an emergency basis for irreversible pulpitis on second maxillary molar. Pulp stones removal and pulpectomy performed + interim Ca(OH)2
OPMI PROergo vs Russian Red Obturation Material Removal and VS Untreated Third Calcified Root Canal
Root Canal Procedure on Radix Entomolaris Presenting a Severe Dilaceration
Microscope in Endododontics. Case Study Number 513236. We have been confronted to this three rooted mandibular first molar (Radix Molar or Radix
Carl Zeiss OPMI PROergo Insured Enough Visual Accuracy to Prevent a Missed Apical Split in a Calcified Mesial Root.
Endodontist. Case Study Number 197337 The recent addition of dental operative microscope
Microendodontics with Carl Zeiss OPMI PROergo Dental Operative Microscope. Root Canal Treatment Procedure on a Second Maxillary Molar with Calcified Canals
A new Dental Operative Microscope (D.O.M.) assisted root canal treatment on a maxillary second molar with calcified canals. MicroEndodontics. Case
Microendodontics with Carl Zeiss OPMI PROergo Dental Operative Microscope. Root Canal Treatment Procedure on a Lateral Incisor with a Calcified Canal
A new Dental Operative Microscope (D.O.M.) Assisted Root Canal Treatment in a Calcified Maxillary Lateral
An Intricate Root Canal Procedure on a Mineralized Second Maxillary Molar with a Canal Curvature into an “S” Form
Endodontic Procedure. Case Study Number 449927 To treat such a tooth in endodontics we needed to deal with: Difficult access Long tooth