Irreversible pulpitis on mandibular first molar. Long,calcified and S shape root canal system made this procedure a rather challenging one. Endodontic
Root canal treatment on a narrow S form root canal
Root canal system in apical third of this second mandibular molar is barely visible on pre operative dental X ray image indicating
An Endodontic Procedure on a Unique Root Canal Morphology
This case has been posted on a specialized root canal FB forum and earned 596 likes from dentists around the world. See this case at: International
Intricate Root Canal Treatment On a Molar presenting with An S Shape
Intricate S Shape Root Canal Procedure on a Calcified Second Mandibular Molar
A Root Canal Treatment on a Badly Worn Wisdom Tooth, Was it Wise?
A 70 year old patient complained about mastication difficulty due to the loss of mandibular first and second molars for many years. He wanted a
Relieving Pain With An Intricate Root Canal Treatment on a C Shape Root Canal
An intricate endodontic therapy to perform in order to preserve a very painful tooth, patient was taking 3 X 200mg Ibuprofen Pills every 3
Root Canal Therapy on a Calcified Root Canal With an S Form Curvature (Case 525214)
Endodontic. Case Study Number 525214 Locating both root canal entries without lateraly perforating the root and without destroying to much sound
Microendodontics is a Microscope Endodontic Procedure to Preserve an Otherwise Untreatable Tooth
ROOT CANAL PROCEDURE CASE STUDY NUMBER: 542917 Tooth number 16 has to be removed, tooth number 17 becomes a key tooth as an abutment for a fixed