Thanks to the microscope, this maxillary molar could be successfully treated. Severe calcification of the root canal system is not a reason to extract
Endodontic Revision Procedure on Mesio Vestibular Root of a Maxillary Molar
Root Canal revision procedure on a maxillary molar which implied a plastic carrier removal as well as the by-pass of a fractured instrument previously
A challenging Curved Root Canal Treatment
Tooth torsion , tooth distal inclination , root canal severe curvature and 3 different techniques for numbing made this root canal procedure a
Preserving a Natural Tooth with a Root Canal Revision Procedure
Patient came in one year ago with large swelling on URQ, gave her AB and told her to let me perform an endodontic revision on 14. She vanished and
Crown and post removal, root iatrogenic defect repair and crossed canals endodontic revision
Patient came in presenting with pain and a swelling on the palatal side of tooth 24. Crown and post removal, root iatrogenic defect repair and
Filling a lateral canal to preserve a tooth, an endodontic revision procedure
Patient experienced recurrent pain episodes and swelling coming from an infected previously treated root canals on tooth 15. Extraction and Implant
Root canal procedure on a remote maxillary molar in a patient with limited opening of the mouth
Endodontic procedure instrumentation has been performed with Mani stainless K files and ProTaper Universal (Dentsply).
A Challenging Endodontic Procedure on a maxillary second molar
Factors affecting the level of difficulty of this endodontic procedure on a long, remote and heavily calcified second maxillary molar 27
Root canal treatment on a calcified molar