Case study number 485946 Symptomatic mandibular molar, patient can't chew on that side. Referred to us for endodontic revision. First appointment
Root Canal Procedure on Calcified Canals, Striving for Second Mesio Vestibular Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Procedure on Calcified Canals. Case Study Number 413
Root Canal Treatment 420946
Vertucci’s Type V Cleaning Shaping and Filling
An Intricate Root Canal Procedure. Case study number 119711 A Vertucci type V pulp space configuration can be described as
Interconnecting MB and D Canals in 2nd Lower Left Molar
Case Study Number 421 Interconnecting MB and D canals with two distinct portals of exit and very sharply curved canals.
Root Canal Treatment (Case 329)
Multiple portals of exit in distal root and severe curves in mesial root in a mandibular second molar. Refering dentist asked us to restore the tooth.
Lower Left Second Molar Vertucci’s Type V Canal Configuration
Intricate Endodontic Procedure. Case Study Number 417 A Vertucci type V pulp space configuration can be described as follow: One canal leaves the
Root Canal Procedure on an Apical Root Canal Split (Apical delta)
An intricate root canal procedure. Case study number 011820 A Vertucci type V pulp space configuration can be described as follow: One canal leaves
Calcifications and Second Mesiovestibular to Deal
Case Study Number 019710 A very nice anastomosis of MB and MB2 merging to create this exquisite shape in an angulated X Ray film.